Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Did the Iraq War Strengthen Iran's Position?

"Iraq's Victory, Iran's Loss"
A27, Tuesday 2/3/09, Op-Ed
By John R. Bolton

No, says former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton.

Bolton cites the dirty laundry list of Iran's activities "long before" the Iraq War: sponsoring terrorist groups, seeking hegemony in Syria and Lebanon and of course, its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

He writes that critics of the Iraq have claimed "Iran would be less of a global threat" had we not ousted Hussein, who "defended his regime in the name of protecting Arab nations from Iran."

These are all solid points, but when Bolton seemingly drives his point home by writing "western critics of Hussein's removal are basically parroting the arguments of a tyrant," one should be forced to ask whether Bolton is basing his argument just on the hollow points of others.

Specifically on the issue of Iran's nuclear program, what was Hussein's reaction? What would it be in 2009 had the U.S. not invaded Iraq?

Bolton's piece was on the symbolic threat Iraq's elections are to Iran, so perhaps there was little
room for the above hypoetheticals.

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